Welcome to Bulky Bob’s Furniture World.

Is Bulky Bob’s Furniture World still open?

No, Bulky Bob’s Furniture World stores in Oldham and Liverpool are permanently closed. We still provide furniture collection services and give away the good quality pre-loved furniture to people through local charities.

Do you provide free furniture?

Yes we do, through Liverpool City Council’s Liverpool Citizen’s Support Scheme (LCSS). If you find yourself in crisis, you can apply for support to get food and basic necessities for you and your family including gas and electric vouchers (urgent needs) and furniture and household essentials (home needs) fulfilled by Bulky Bob’s. Read more here

Bulky Bob’s also partners with advice organisations to provide help and support to our customers on a range of issues including employment, housing, debt, health and benefits advice through it’s partner End Furniture Poverty charity. Bulky Bob’s works with local support organisations to ensure that essential furniture items are available free of charge to people in crisis, such as families fleeing domestic violence, young people leaving care and ex-homeless people.

Can I help Bulky Bob’s as a volunteer?

Our Workshops in Liverpool are run by our ViPs team (Volunteers, Interns, Placements and Students) which is our volunteering programme enabling people to work towards their own goals or give to charity by volunteering time and skills. Through this programme our volunteers gain new skills and experiences and the passion, dedication and willingness of our volunteers helps us achieve our mission to End Furniture Poverty. If you are interested in volunteering you can find out more at www.frcgroup.co.uk .